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Here is a piece that reflects Michelle’s love of 1980s-style electronic bands, such as Devo. It is reminiscent of those fun, pop synth tracks you would hear on movie soundtracks such as Ghostbusters. This track would feel just as appropriate on the radio as in film.


The older-style electronic drums are in a mildly slower tempo of 110. The second section does not change tempo, yet it seems slower when the backbeat is cut in half, making for a slower “feel.” The synth sounds and voice samples used throughout also hearken back to the era of 80s sampling.


The chords are based on a simple diatonic progression in the key of A minor, which then modulates to C major in the second section. The synth melody has fun and stretches out a bit with the change to the major key. This sound is again based on a synth-pop-style patch most commonly heard in the 1980s.


Additional pads created in the ES P synth in the first section are panned and add a slightly spacey mood. The vocal on the Audio Recording track is based on an improvised monologue spoken in Italian which describes the project and song. One track uses parts of the entire monologue while the sampler track has short snippets of the Audio Recording track triggered by different notes in various places.


Digital effects were added to the voice to make it slightly more interesting and a bit weird. An echo and reverb were added. A compressor and some dynamic EQ were also applied to smooth out the vocal sound and levels. Care was shown for how the synth pads interact with the chords and melody as well as mixing well with the voice.


Brodetto_Michelle_FinalMichelle Brodetto
00:00 / 01:10
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